Making this Short and Sweet. 
So my Bio Mom used my SS # and now at the age of 30 I can't get anything in my name to build my credit. I'm not rich, dont have the extra cash to go to a bank and Barrow against myself. Point blank, I have No one willing to help me by cosigning on anything… so How am I supposed to get Creited if No one will give me any?
There's free financial counseling here on SaverLife
Hope this helps:)
Making this Short and Sweet. 
So my Bio Mom used my SS # and now at the age of 30 I can't get anything in my name to build my credit. I'm not rich, dont have the extra cash to go to a bank and Barrow against myself. Point blank, I have No one willing to help me by cosigning on anything… so How am I supposed to get Creited if No one will give me any?
Start with a secured credit card and make the whole payment every month. I’ve been using one for 8 months and my credit score has went up.
I pray the extended the unemployment help past end of month because if they don't my daughter amd I are in big big trouble. I've been looking for a job every single day I can multiple interviews A-day late at night putting in applications and I still haven't found a job being able to go back making what I was as the leasing manager before I was fired due to cover the 19 I can't I'm a single parent I can't make it on $7.25 an hour me my dollar will never make it so I hope they extend it leased to let me hopefully then August I don't give me some more Tom
I would suggest a secured credit card and speak to a financial counselor. Good luck to you.