How I save money for my rainy day fund

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Deleted user

I’m lucky that I get paid bi-weekly (twice a month), so every time I get paid, I have an automatic deposit set up from my checking account to my savings account. This way, my money can grow in my savings account and I can use it when I really need it. I also have a side hustle, and every penny I earn from that, I deposit it into a separate savings account.

Deleted user

I found that the best way for me to save was by turning on automatic transfers from my checking to my savings account! Any other suggestions out there?


Grace B.

I've heard that suggestion a lot, but automatic transfers make me nervous! Plus I like the feeling of accomplishment when I manually transfer money to my savings. It's a good time to pat myself on the back.

Deleted user

I've heard that suggestion a lot, but automatic transfers make me nervous! Plus I like the feeling of accomplishment when I manually transfer money to my savings. It's a good time to pat myself on the back.

It IS a satisfying feeling!


Anthony M.

I try to save but end up pulling money back out by end of week


Shakia J.

I turned on auto transfer and still somehow need to still use the funds I feel I’ll never have rainy day funds my Income Is so funny at times once I save even $60 I need it back

Deleted user

@Anthony, what do you usually need to pull the money out for? For me, it's either gas or rent.


Keshira S.

What I do to try and save is add money to two different savings account if there’s one that I may have to use for a rainy day which is fine because I have the other to continue adding money to whenever I want.

Deleted user

What I do to try and save is add money to two different savings account if there’s one that I may have to use for a rainy day which is fine because I have the other to continue adding money to whenever I want.

This is such a GREAT idea!! A backup to the backup.


Collenna D.

When I try and save, at the end if every month, I always end up taking it out


Khadajah G.

I would love to save money it's hard for me to do because I pay for everything in the house. It's a family of 7 it's horrible

Deleted user

If you can't save while covering your essential needs (not nail polish girls:) the only solution is to earn more. Check out fully remote jobs, lots of them now where you can work full or part time from home. Craigslist is also a good place to liik or local "gigs" where you earn cash for a few days helping someone out. Can you offer your skills to others outside your job? For instance if you work in a daycare you can do babysitting on the side. Lots of possibilities if you write down your skills and passions and take some time to think about what side hustles you could do. Good Luck!


April B.

Aside from having money automatically taken out of my paychecks. I paid off my student loan recently and I save some of the money. I save money for a rainy day fund by adding savings into my monthly budget.


Sadah A.

I personally save 10% of all money I get no matter how small I always save that 10% and it really starts to add up


Trinisha L.

I may sound lame…. but I save birthday money, gift cards, and savings apps like Ibotta for my savings as well! I set these gift cards aside and use this for money toward frivolous purchases and gas money when I don’t have it!!!

Deleted user

I personally save 10% of all money I get no matter how small I always save that 10% and it really starts to add up

@Sadah A. That's awesome, I'm going to have faith and do this also starting today. I sell online and never know how much $ will come in so I tend to just keep it all in checking.. Thanks for the inspo:)


Tracey U.

I put away money almost every check that I get, like $20.00-$50.00. I'm doing a whole better because I want to invest in my daughter with her business.

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