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Government Benefits Roundup: How to Tell Which Programs Are the Best Fit for You

Unsure which benefits and assistance programs are the right fit for you? Get the basics on the most common government assistance programs below.  Pro Tip: It’s important to understand that the eligibility requirements for programs can change. For example, some states like North Carolina recently expanded Medicaid options. If you were previously denied assistance through…

Mortgage Forbearance 101: Your Guide to Temporary Payment Relief

Life is unpredictable, and sometimes, it throws curveballs that affect your ability to keep up with mortgage payments. Whether it’s a job loss or another unforeseen hardship, mortgage forbearance might be the lifeline that keeps you financially afloat.  This overview is intended to give you an understanding of what mortgage forbearance is, how it works,…

Finances 101  August 20, 2024
Election Day Voter Tips

,, “My number one tip is to review what’s on your ballot before voting, especially if you are voting on Election Day. This can help you find additional information about the issues and can give you a plan so you’re ready when the time comes!” -Kimbree R., SaverLife financial coach ,, “I love [mail-in voting]…

Finances 101  August 13, 2024
2024 Voter Guide: Your Vote Is More Important Than Ever

Your Vote is Your Voice This fall, you’ll have the opportunity to vote not only for the next President of the United States, but also for state Senators and Representatives, local leaders, ballot measures, and more. That’s why we want to equi...

Your Path to Homeownership: Essential Programs and Resources for First-Time Buyers

The journey to homeownership is both thrilling and daunting, especially for first-time buyers. With numerous programs and resources available, knowing where to start can feel overwhelming. However, if you understand how to utilize these various too...

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I hadn't really been shown how to save, and it wasn't part of my life before. I had feelings of shame and guilt, not knowing how to do this. Now I know it's not as hard as I thought.Alaina, Washington

The rewards were very motivating. It helps you develop good financial habits early on.Mike, Nevada

I am a walking testimony that the program works, the program is real, and you DO save.Jessica, South Carolina

SaverLife is a good stepping stone to looking at how your money affects you. One question it forced me to ask is, 'Is my money making me happy?' That’s been a big turning point for me.Rose, California

About SaverLife

SaverLife is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that makes saving safe, simple, and rewarding.

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