I’m at my lowest

Started by Natasha S.
Followed by: @Natasha @Sabrina @Christy @Christine @Heather @Lashanda @Suzanna @"Mary Joy" @Luis @Shamika @Gobby @Maria @Kristen @Joanne @Jennifer @Shalanda @Roberta @Misty @Melissa @"C o n s t i n o" @Daisy @This @Mindy @Kristina @"Sherrie D" @Monica @Neosha @Aaron @Galeleshia @ALEXIS @Alicia @Brittany @Delete @Deveri @SABRINA @Jessica @Shaira

Natasha S.

I’m 30 years of age with four children I went from having everything to nothing, I was in abusive relationships where I was hospitalized, I also lost my big sister March of 2019 then one year and three months later June 2020 I lost my very best friend whom I always had in my corner to pick me up when down it’s still very fresh and I’m
Still very sentimental over his passing I’m struggling to get back to the top and my story is so much more intense but I’m not comfortable going into detail if any questions feel free to ask!


Deveri D.

I am sorry for your pain and your loss. Just now that it will get better. Just now that you are not alone. There are some who are too afraid to speak about their struggle(s) and I just want to "Thank you!" for sharing your pain.
Stay Positive & have Faith!

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