Saving a whole lot more than usual

Started by Deshonda C.
Followed by: @Deshonda @Sabrina @Christy @Christine @Heather @Lashanda @Suzanna @"Mary Joy" @Kenneth @Luis @Shamika @Gobby @Kristen @Jennifer @Shalanda @Roberta @Misty @Melissa @Lucy @Mindy @"Sherrie D" @Monica @Neosha @Galeleshia @Alicia @Jennifer @Michael @"C o n s t i n o" @D @This @Kristen @Rosa @Amonte @Joanne @Kim @Nicole @Kirsten @Aaron @Vickie @Tonya @ALEXIS @Brittany @Denishia @Kristina @Angela @Katie @william @Ashley @Veronica @Thomasina @Samanthia @Carmen @Shaira @Kenyata @Lakisha @Paula @Melissa @Lanna @Jessica @April @Crystal @Donald @Deborah @April @angel @Lashonda @Alicia @Travis @Angel @Natalie @ALYSIA @Lisette

Deshonda C.

Knowing how to save more than what you usually save


Kristen O.

Are you asking for tips to save more? Or are you vaguely mentioning that you've begun to save more than usual (or know how, but would like motivation/accountability to stick-to it)?


Kenyata W.

I saved more than i ever have since using this app i like to see my savings go up


Natalie N.

Ibotta was a huge help if I needed to use food stamps to get money back

Deleted user

I have a weekly automatic investment with Vanguard. While the automatic transactions are nice, it's even better when you can increase the amount. I'm planning to make a $100/week increase at least each year.


Vickie C.

@Natalie N. May I ask what you mean by using the Ibotta for food stamps to save with cash back? I'm kind of confused and I'm not familiar with that if you can help me to understand a bit more I'm trying to save every bit, single grandmother raising my granddaughter on just my disability no help at all every little bit of advice is a huge help right now ☺️ thank you,
Many Blessings


Alysia E.

I am saving more now to by just seeing where I spend money. With the Pandemic, I am not eating out which was biggest splurge. Cooking more actually has helped with weight loss too.

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