My kids and I ran across Saverlife on Facebook. We started saving right away with there match saving Prost the time. The prizes are REAL!! We won $100 and then $5000!!! Sign up , save , and earn. Great savings!! My four children and I have been on our feet since then.
That's wonderful Jessica, Congratulations! that's big money, I wish I can win at least 5 or 10 dollars, but I didn't had any luck this week.
Congrats, so happy for you and your four kids!
Congratulations, so happy for you
Wow that’s amazing I’m happy for you!
Congratulations to everyone that have won I’m hoping to win soon
Congratulations I was so happy when I earned the $500 I couldn't believe it
Congrats & Good Job! Keep up the hard work.
I earn a bit here and there. I'm thankful for the service. $5 can do a lot at times.
Wow that’s awesome. I just came across saverlife today. Hope to win some money soon. Even if it’s just $5!! I think this is a great thing to help people save money.
Hoping to get lucky! Congratulations!
I came across this app today, wondering if it really works ! This was an encouraging thread 
Congrats!!! That's encouraging!
I won three times, 15 dollars
I love this site. It's definately real
Very slow at earning points but out three scratchers the other day finally won $5