Does anyone else have this problem? I had it last time and I’ve having it again:
My savings balance is correct, but the amount I’ve saved towards the Race to 100 bears no relationship to reality, no matter how I try to figure it out. Their not counting my most recent deposit doesn’t explain it. Nothing explains it.
I have the same problem as well last month and this one
i am encountering the same pronlem too.
I’m New to this. Any tips would be appreciated! Thank you
I contacted them once about this and they said that even though it doesn't show up, I would definitely get credited in the Race to 100 for what I deposited. I assume that's true, but there's no way to know for sure, unless I actually win something in that game. Anyway, it's just a game of chance, and it isn't as if we're spending our money doing this; we're saving it for ourselves.
This is all kind of confusing to me lol. Just signed up.
This is my first time joining the race …. hopefully it goes well for me 
If you contact them they will answer. Which is good because they resolved my problem when I wasn't receiving my daily points. This my first time doing race to 100.
I just submitted a help request for this issue. A week ago, I saved $100 in my associated PayPal account but my Race to 100 shows "$0." Frustrating as I'm trying to participate and not seeing any progress makes me question the accuracy of the program.
Maybe i'll contact them and see if that helps
Ann J - great perspective!
There seems to be a delay in the race to 100 amount and your actual savings. I used to use PayPal but that has money coming out so not really a savings account. When I switched to my bank account after they finally recognized it, I’m hoping this improves.
I hope I can fill in the gaps in savings by the deadline!!! 

How does this work and how do you do it? Sorry I’m new here and a bit confused.