Ok, so I'm in the race to 100 and have the savings boost setup to my bank account, but on this website it isn't showing the actual amount in my bank account! I have $199.29 in my bank account, but Saverlife is saying that there is only $2.79 in the savings boost, and $0.00 in the race to $100!!! I don't get it! I've been struggling and my account has been fluctuating from $100 and below, but I always manage to get it back to $100 before the next week, so what's going on!? How can this get fixed, because there is only 4 days left in the race to $100 and I want to be able to win $100 for saving a $100! This $@!#% is rigged.
I think it's not based on how much money you have in your account but how much it tracks that you've saved within the 30 days- like if at the beginning of the challenge you had $100 in your account by the end of the challenge your bank account would need to have $200 to count- it's not the amount in your account it's reading how much you have put in or taken out if that makes sense
Yeah the tracking seems to be all off I agree 
Tracking is definitely off. I think it only tracks on a certain day of the week
It usually, but not always, shows the correct amount in my linked account. But it NEVER shows the correct amount saved for a Race or Boost. It will be too low by some random number. I can never figure out where they got that figure. I have contacted SaveLife about this and they assured me that I shouldn't worry about the number shown and that they will use the correct figure when they do the drawing. Sometimes I just add whatever amount they say I'm missing.
A few months ago I decided to stop agonizing about this and about missing points. It takes too much time and attention that I would be better off spending on something else. After all, there are so many members now that I probably wouldn't win anyway. And it's just my own money that I'm saving for myself; I'm not paying them for the chance to win.
They changed how they track savings & how it's all tallied. I've been a member for several years now but it's only been in the last year or so that I've had issues with practically everything on here