Hard times

Started by Jennifer W.
Followed by: @Rosa @Jennifer @Sabrina @Christy @Christine @Heather @Lashanda @Suzanna @"Mary Joy" @SABRINA @Luis @Shamika @Gobby @Kristen @Joanne @Jennifer @Shalanda @Roberta @Misty @Melissa @This @Mindy @Slenna @"Sherrie D" @Monica @Neosha @Aaron @Alicia @ALEXIS @Brittany @Kristina @Shaira @Angela @Carmen @Katie @william @Ashley

Jennifer W.

My kids dad left during quarantine. He argumentative. I have no job. I just need to find a job so bad or as my friends say a career. If anyone knows of anything please let me know. I’ve been looking into USPS and ups. Nothing so far. Three kids and myself to care for is hard. I’ve been thinking of getting an RV and staying in that once I find some kind of job. Good idea or no?
Thank you!

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