Hi Brandy, I think most people here are pressed for time. Many have multiple part-time jobs, side hustles, families, and other things keeping them too busy to answer your questions for no remuneration. The only reason they are posting at all is to earn points because they desperately need to win a $5 scratcher. I don't think it's fair of you to accuse people of looking for "the easy way out" when you know nothing about their lives. I've inferred from many comments over the last couple of years that some members grew up in poverty, didn't get a great education, and don't have many opportunities. Plus, you haven't explained why you're fishing for this information and why anyone should spend their valuable time answering your personal questions. No one here owes you anything.
In addition, many of us have made an effort to provide comments of value; but after several months, you simply run out of original things to say. I haven't seen you post any valuable information, either. I believe SL realizes there's a problem, and they've hinted that changes to the program might be in the works.
I am not fishing for anything. I have asked simple questions regarding what the forums are supposed to be about. Savings, budgeting, employment, bettering your future.
As for people growing up in poverty, you don't have to tell me about that. I know the challenges first hand. It is something you either learn and become or learn to overcome. You do not have to be what you were born into. It is scientifically proven in many studies that just because you are the product of a situation does not mean that situation has to become a permanency of your state.
This site, I believe from what I have viewed is to assist people with advise on how to overcome their adversities and become self sufficient and or less dependent on the life styles they were natured into.
Also, people don't have time to comment on a post that actually may help some people realize there are opportunities for real employment out there. Really?? Alot of people post all the time just "." Or "hi".. or "hshdhdhh" just goobledy $@!#% that is nonsense.
i am looking for people's post so that people in the bad situations may not have to sacrifice their time with family and work several part time jobs or have side hustle work. And definitely not just trying to win a $5 scratch ticket because of "desperate" need, as you say.
The original post I made was in hope of trying to get people to give advise or ideas to others in hopes that it gears people towards other opportunities. It is called mind set. Set a person's mind in motion with that they can do something similar to what another person is doing for employment and trust me they can run with it. It's called career motivation.
Opportunity knocks, you just have to open the door.
Apparently, some are ok with settling with ….+15