How SaverLife Helps You Make a Budget

As you’ve probably seen on your dashboard, we’ve added another points-earning activity! Once a week (you can pick the day), you can earn 25 points for logging your budgeting goals for the week. Many of our members asked us if we could be their accountabili-buddy (someone who helps them reach their financial goals), and we loved that idea! Now when you log your weekly budget goals for your wants and needs, we’ll send you an email reminder to help you stay on top of things.
Defining healthy money habits is the first step toward financial wellness, and we’re so excited you decided to take that leap!
SaverLife CFP Tania Brown walks you through the difference between a “want” and a “need” and gives you the confidence you need to create a budget that works for you.
“Every financial decision you make, no matter how small, will either get you closer to your goals or become a barrier to reaching your goals. Understanding needs and wants can help you prioritize how you spend so that you can reach your financial goals.”
What are you waiting for? Log in and set your budget goals for the next week! You can thank yourself later 😃