Opt In: Use the sign-up button above and link your savings account if you haven’t already.
There will be a total of 21 winners (one $5000 winner and twenty $500 winners). Your odds of winning will depend on how many SaverLife members enter the Philadelphia Savings Challenge and complete the requirements by January 26.
If you win a $500 prize, your prize will be applied to the account linked to your SaverLife account.
Be sure to have a payout method set up in your account if you don't already. Need help updating your payout method? Check out our explainer video.
We’ll send you your cash prize within 1-2 weeks of the challenge ending.
If you win the $5,000 grand prize, you'll receive your grand prize check at the February 19 event.
You can only win one prize through the Philadelphia Savings Challenge. However, if you’ve previously won a prize of any size through Scratch & Save, a past Race, or other SaverLife challenges, you can win again through this Philadelphia Savings Challenge.
That’s okay! We never penalize you for withdrawing money. We simply check on January 27 to see if you’ve increased your balance by at least $20 since January 1.
The Philadelphia Savings Challenge $5,000 grand prize winner will attend an event on February 19 from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Enterprise Center Philadelphia. The winner will receive their $5,000 grand prize check during a brief photo opportunity.
SaverLife will provide your event ticket and pay for your transportation to and from the event.